Ascent Valorant: Exploring Valorant’s iconic map

Ascent Valorant

We take a deep dive into the classic map Ascent Valorant. Learn call-outs, tactics, and much more in our guide to Ascent.

The layout of Ascent Valorant

Ascent is a sprawling, multi-level map that offers a unique blend of open spaces and tight corridors. The map is divided into two main sections: the defenders’ side and the attackers’ side. The defenders’ spawn is located in the heart of a quaint, picturesque Italian town, complete with a central plaza, a grand cathedral, and narrow, winding streets. The attackers, on the other hand, start their assault from the outskirts of the town, pushing through a fortified gate and into the maze-like streets beyond.

At the center of the map lies the B site, a wide-open area that offers little cover for attackers but plenty of high ground for defenders. The A site, located on the opposite side of the map, is a more enclosed space that requires precise teamwork and coordination to secure. See more info and photos from Ascent Valorant here.

The lore behind Ascent Valorant

But Ascent is more than just a collection of tactical chokepoints and strategic vantage points. It’s a map with a rich history and a fascinating backstory.

According to Valorant lore, Ascent is located in Venice, Italy, and was once a thriving hub of art, culture, and commerce. However, the city fell into disarray after a devastating event known as the “Cataclysm.” In the aftermath, the city’s once-grand buildings were left in ruins, and its streets were overrun by warring factions vying for control.

It was against this backdrop that the Valorant Protocol, an international peacekeeping force, established a base of operations in the heart of the city. Their mission: to restore order to Venice and protect its citizens from the dangers that lurk in the shadows.

Ascent Valorant’s unique features

One of the most striking features of Ascent is its verticality. The map is filled with high vantage points and multi-level structures that offer players a wealth of tactical options. From the top of the defender’s spawn, players can rain down fire on unsuspecting attackers below. From the upper levels of the A site, defenders can hold off entire teams with well-placed shots and abilities.

Another unique feature of Ascent is its destructible walls. Certain walls on the map can be destroyed with enough firepower, opening up new lines of sight and creating unexpected paths for attackers to flank their opponents.

But perhaps the most iconic feature of Ascent is the central plaza, with its grand statue and ornate fountain. This area has become a hotly contested battleground, with both teams vying for control of the high ground and the tactical advantage it provides.

Strategies for success on Ascent Valorant

So, how can players succeed on this challenging and dynamic map? Here are a few tips:

  1. Communication is key: With so many levels and sight lines to keep track of, it’s essential that teams communicate effectively and call out enemy positions.
  2. Use the high ground: The team that controls the high ground on Ascent often has a significant advantage. Be sure to contest these key positions and use them to your advantage.
  3. Watch for flanks: The many side paths and destructible walls on Ascent make it easy for attackers to flank unsuspecting defenders. Always be on the lookout for these sneaky plays.
  4. Play to your agent’s strengths: Each agent in Valorant has unique abilities that can be used to great effect on Ascent. Sova’s recon bolt, for example, can be used to gather intel on enemy positions, while Jett’s updraft can be used to quickly take the high ground.

Get ready to ascend!

Ascent is a map that embodies everything that makes Valorant great: tactical depth, dynamic gameplay, and a rich, immersive world. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the game, there’s always something new to discover and master on this iconic battlefield. So load up your favorite agent, gather your team, and get ready to ascend to new heights of competitive glory.

See more guides to maps in Valorant here.

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