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How to Master Vyse: The Ultimate Sentinel in Valorant

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The ultimate guide to Valorant characters

Welcome, agents, to the ultimate guide to Valorant characters! Valorant, the thrilling tactical shooter from Riot Games, has taken the gaming world by storm. One of the key elements that sets Valorant apart from other FPS games is its diverse cast of unique characters, each with their own abilities and playstyles. In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into the world of Valorant characters, exploring how to unlock them, how many there are, and what makes each one special.

How many characters are there in Valorant?

As of the latest update, there are a total of 19 playable characters in Valorant, known as agents. Each agent brings something unique to the battlefield, from powerful offensive abilities to strategic defensive tools. Whether you prefer to play as a duelist, initiator, controller, or sentinel, there’s an agent that will suit your playstyle.

How to unlock Valorant characters

When you first start playing Valorant, you’ll have access to a limited number of agents. To unlock more characters, you’ll need to earn experience points (XP) by playing matches and completing missions. As you level up your account, you’ll unlock new agents at specific milestones.

Here’s a breakdown of when you can expect to unlock each agent:

  • Level 1: Brimstone, Jett, Phoenix, Sage, and Sova
  • Level 2: Viper
  • Level 5: Cypher
  • Level 8: Reyna
  • Level 11: Breach
  • Level 15: Skye
  • Level 18: Yoru
  • Level 21: Astra
  • Level 24: KAY/O
  • Level 27: Chamber
  • Level 30: Neon
  • Level 33: Fade

In addition to unlocking agents through leveling up, you can also purchase them using Valorant Points (VP), the game’s premium currency. Each agent costs 1,000 VP to unlock, which is equivalent to about $10 USD.

Meet the Valorant characters

Now that you know how many characters there are in Valorant and how to unlock them, let’s take a closer look at each one. We’ll break down their abilities and provide tips on how to make the most of their unique skills. You can read much more about all the different characters here.


Brimstone is a commander who specializes in providing support for his team. His Sky Smokes ability allows him to call down smoke grenades from the sky, blocking enemy vision and providing cover for his allies. His Stim Beacon grants nearby teammates a speed boost and rapid fire, while his Incendiary grenade sets the ground ablaze, dealing damage over time to anyone caught in the flames.


Jett is a highly mobile duelist who excels at taking fights and creating chaos on the battlefield. Her Tailwind ability allows her to dash in any direction, making her incredibly difficult to hit. She can also throw Cloudburst smoke grenades to obscure enemy vision and Updraft to propel herself high into the air.


Phoenix is another duelist who is all about aggression and fragging power. His Blaze ability creates a wall of flames that damages enemies who pass through it, while his Curveball flashes enemies and obscures their vision. Phoenix’s ultimate ability, Run it Back, allows him to mark a spot on the map and teleport back to it after a short duration, essentially granting him a second life.


Sage is a sentinel who specializes in healing and defensive abilities. Her Barrier Orb allows her to create a wall that blocks enemy movement and provides cover for her team. She can also use her Slow Orb to create a lingering field that slows enemy movement, and her Healing Orb to restore health to herself or a teammate.


Sova is an initiator who excels at gathering information and revealing enemy positions. His Recon Bolt fires a bolt that reveals enemy locations upon impact, while his Owl Drone allows him to pilot a drone that can mark enemies and fire a dart to reveal their location. Sova’s ultimate ability, Hunter’s Fury, fires three deadly energy blasts that can penetrate walls and deal massive damage.


Viper is a controller who specializes in area denial and toxic abilities. Her Poison Cloud emits a toxic gas that can be placed on the ground or thrown like a grenade, damaging enemies who enter it. Her Toxic Screen creates a long, straight wall of toxic gas that blocks vision and deals damage over time. Viper’s ultimate ability, Viper’s Pit, creates a massive cloud of toxic gas that highlights enemies within it and grants Viper a speed boost while inside.


Cypher is a sentinel who excels at gathering information and locking down areas of the map. His Trapwire ability places a tripwire between two points that reveals enemies who cross it and can be activated to restrain them. His Cyber Cage creates a cage of smoke that slows enemies who pass through it, and his Spycam allows him to place a camera that can be used to gather information and mark enemies.


Reyna is a duelist who specializes in fragging and sustain. Her Leer ability fires an orb that blinds all enemies who look at it, while her Devour ability allows her to consume a Soul Orb dropped by a killed enemy to rapidly heal herself. Reyna’s ultimate ability, Empress, grants her increased firing speed, reload speed, and damage dealt for a short duration.


Breach is an initiator who specializes in crowd control and disorienting enemies. His Aftershock ability fires a slow-moving projectile that explodes upon impact, dealing damage and displacing enemies. His Flashpoint fires a blinding charge that detonates after a short delay, while his Fault Line sends out a seismic blast that dazes all enemies caught in its path.


Skye is an initiator who specializes in healing and reconnaissance. Her Trailblazer ability summons a Tasmanian tiger trinket that seeks out enemies and explodes, damaging and concussing them. Her Guiding Light fires a hawk that can be controlled to blind enemies, while her Regrowth ability heals all allies within range. Skye’s ultimate ability, Seekers, sends out three Seekers that track down the three closest enemies and nearsight them.

Get started today and chose your Valorant character!

With 19 unique characters to choose from, Valorant offers a wide variety of playstyles and strategies to explore. Whether you prefer to play aggressively as a duelist, support your team as a sentinel, or disrupt the enemy as an initiator, there’s an agent that will suit your needs. By unlocking new agents and mastering their abilities, you’ll be well on your way to dominating the battlefield and leading your team to victory. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start fragging!

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